The race for knowledgeKnowledge, information and education are key iss Tradução - The race for knowledgeKnowledge, information and education are key iss Português como dizer

The race for knowledgeKnowledge, in

The race for knowledge
Knowledge, information and education are key issues for countries wishing to develop and to provide a better grality of life for their citizens.
The u.s.,brazil, india,china,many coutries in europe and in other continents have a growing necessiyty for investment in research,education and innovation. For many scholars and specialists,access and development of new technologies will be responsible for economic growth and job creation in the future.
In china,an emerging superpower, the commitment to technological and educational development is part of a national economic strategy.nowadays china has the largest number of graduates
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
The race for knowledgeKnowledge, information and education are key issues for countries wishing to develop and to provide a better grality of life for their citizens.The u.s.,brazil, india,china,many coutries in europe and in other continents have a growing necessiyty for investment in research,education and innovation. For many scholars and specialists,access and development of new technologies will be responsible for economic growth and job creation in the future.In china,an emerging superpower, the commitment to technological and educational development is part of a national economic strategy.nowadays china has the largest number of graduates
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Resultados (Português) 2:[Cópia de]
A corrida para o conhecimento
do Conhecimento, informação e educação são questões-chave para os países que pretendam desenvolver e proporcionar uma melhor grality de vida para os seus cidadãos.
os EUA, Brasil, Índia, China, muitos coutries na Europa e em outros continentes têm uma necessiyty crescente para o investimento em investigação, educação e inovação. Para muitos estudiosos e especialistas, acesso e desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias será responsável para o crescimento económico ea criação de emprego no futuro.
Na China, uma superpotência emergente, o compromisso com o desenvolvimento tecnológico e educacional faz parte de um strategy.nowadays econômicos nacional china tem o maior número de diplomados
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