June 4, 2016Alexandre CumbanaRua número 08Quarteiro 94, Casa n°4Bairro Tradução - June 4, 2016Alexandre CumbanaRua número 08Quarteiro 94, Casa n°4Bairro Português como dizer

June 4, 2016Alexandre CumbanaRua nú

June 4, 2016
Alexandre Cumbana
Rua número 08
Quarteiro 94, Casa n°4
Bairro George Dimitrov
Maputo, Mozambique
Dear Alexandre,
We are pleased to offer you the position of Logistics Advisor (Inhambane) at Chemonics
International for the Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management
(GHSC-PSM) project office in Mozambique. Your immediate supervisor will be the Southern
Region Logistics Advisor. Your gross salary will be at a rate of USD $18,334.00 per year; we are
pleased to be able to pay our employees in U.S. Dollars. Chemonics will deduct IRPS and INSS
from your gross salary. We hope you can begin work on/about July 1, 2016.
Chemonics will offer local employees a full package of benefits and allowances. As discussed
during recruitment, your allowances are as follows:
13th Month Bonus
A 13th month bonus payment to be paid at the end of each calendar year of
employment for employees working at least 500 hours. If an employee has worked
more than 500 hours but not the entire year, the 13th month bonus will be prorated.
Annual Leave
Annual leave totaling 12 days during the first year of employment, 24 days during the
2nd year of employment, and 30 days during the 3rd year employment onward.
Sick Leave
A total of 13 work days of sick leave at full pay per calendar year, accrued at 1.08
days per month. Unused portion of sick leave may be carried over from one year to
the next for the duration of employment without limit.
Health Program Membership
At a minimum, Chemonics will reimburse up to USD 3,000 per calendar year for
medical expenses (including membership for health insurance plans) for the employee
and members of his/her immediate family. The annual reimbursable amount of USD
3,000 will be prorated during the employee’s first and last year of employment. Note
that Chemonics is currently looking into healthcare plans for GHSC-PSM employees
and other Chemonics employees in Mozambique.
Other Leave
Other contingency leave under the terms set out in the Mozambican Labor Law,
including: marriage, bereavement, and maternity/paternity leave.
Life Insurance
Membership in the Chemonics life insurance program administered by the
Chemonics’ home office in Washington DC.
Paid holidays
Chemonics follows the US Embassy in Maputo holiday schedule, which recognizes
most Mozambican national holidays and U.S. Federal holidays.
Mobile phone allowance
The Logistics Advisor (Inhambane) receives MZN 1,500 per month in mobile phone
Training and Language allowance
Chemonics provides up to USD 1,200 per year for language instruction and up to
USD 500 for external training courses.
Merit increases
All employees are eligible for annual salary increases designed to recognize and
reward achievement and contributions to the project. Chemonics’ policy is to reward
good performance by giving deserving employees annual merit increases at the
completion of the annual performance evaluation process.
If you are willing to accept this offer, please sign and date below. We look forward to working
with you to help people live healthier and more productive lives. If you have any questions, feel
free to call us at +258 84 390 9116.
Lee Gerston Alexandre Cumbana
Operations Director Logistics Advisor (Inhambane)
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
June 4, 2016Alexandre CumbanaRua número 08Quarteiro 94, Casa n°4Bairro George DimitrovMaputo, MozambiqueDear Alexandre,We are pleased to offer you the position of Logistics Advisor (Inhambane) at ChemonicsInternational for the Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management(GHSC-PSM) project office in Mozambique. Your immediate supervisor will be the SouthernRegion Logistics Advisor. Your gross salary will be at a rate of USD $18,334.00 per year; we arepleased to be able to pay our employees in U.S. Dollars. Chemonics will deduct IRPS and INSSfrom your gross salary. We hope you can begin work on/about July 1, 2016.Chemonics will offer local employees a full package of benefits and allowances. As discussedduring recruitment, your allowances are as follows:13th Month BonusA 13th month bonus payment to be paid at the end of each calendar year ofemployment for employees working at least 500 hours. If an employee has workedmore than 500 hours but not the entire year, the 13th month bonus will be prorated.Annual LeaveAnnual leave totaling 12 days during the first year of employment, 24 days during the2nd year of employment, and 30 days during the 3rd year employment onward.Sick LeaveA total of 13 work days of sick leave at full pay per calendar year, accrued at 1.08days per month. Unused portion of sick leave may be carried over from one year tothe next for the duration of employment without limit.Health Program MembershipAt a minimum, Chemonics will reimburse up to USD 3,000 per calendar year formedical expenses (including membership for health insurance plans) for the employeeand members of his/her immediate family. The annual reimbursable amount of USD3,000 will be prorated during the employee’s first and last year of employment. Notethat Chemonics is currently looking into healthcare plans for GHSC-PSM employeesand other Chemonics employees in Mozambique.Other LeaveOther contingency leave under the terms set out in the Mozambican Labor Law,including: marriage, bereavement, and maternity/paternity leave.Life InsuranceMembership in the Chemonics life insurance program administered by theChemonics’ home office in Washington DC.Paid holidaysChemonics follows the US Embassy in Maputo holiday schedule, which recognizesmost Mozambican national holidays and U.S. Federal holidays.Mobile phone allowanceThe Logistics Advisor (Inhambane) receives MZN 1,500 per month in mobile phonecredit.Training and Language allowanceChemonics provides up to USD 1,200 per year for language instruction and up toUSD 500 for external training courses.Merit increasesAll employees are eligible for annual salary increases designed to recognize andreward achievement and contributions to the project. Chemonics’ policy is to rewardgood performance by giving deserving employees annual merit increases at theconclusão do processo de avaliação anual do desempenho.Se você estiver disposto a aceitar esta oferta, por favor assine e date abaixo. Estamos ansiosos para trabalharcom você para ajudar as pessoas a viver mais saudável e mais produtivo vive. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, sinta-selivre para nos chamar em + 258 84 390 9116.Atenciosamente,____________________________Lee Gerston Alexandre CumbanaAssessor de Logísitca de diretor de operações (Inhambane)
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Resultados (Português) 3:[Cópia de]
EM 4 de Junho de 2016Alexandre cumbanaRua número 08Quarteiro 94, Casa n° 4Bairro George DimitrovMaputo, moçambiqueCaro Alexandre,Temos o prazer de lhe oferecer a posição de consultor de logística (Inhambane) chemonicsInternacional para a saúde global Da cadeia de suprimentos - Compras e gestão de suprimentos(ghsc-psm) Gabinete de projecto EM moçambique.SEU supervisor imediato será o sulRegião logistics advisor.O salário Bruto será UMA taxa de USD $18334.00 por ano, estamosO prazer de poder Pagar nossos funcionários EM dólares Norte - Americanos.Chemonics deduz IVA e INSSA partir de SEU salário Bruto.Nós esperamos que você Pode começar o trabalho sobre a 1 de julho de 2016.Chemonics oferecerá empregados locais um pacote completo de benefícios e subsídios.Como discutidoDurante o recrutamento, as licenças são Como segue:Décimo terceiro mês bonusUm décimo terceiro mês pagamento de bônus a ser Pago no final de cadA ano civilEmprego para trabalhadores empregados pelo Menos 500 Horas.Se um empregado trabalhouMais de 500 Horas, MAS não todo o ano, O décimo terceiro mês bônus será rateada.A licença anualFérias anuais, totalizando 12 DIAS Durante o primeiro ano de trabalho, 24 DIAS, Durante o2O ano de emprego, e 30 DIAS Durante o terceiro ano de emprego EM diante.BaixaUm total de 13 DIAS de trabalho de Baixa no pagamento integral por ano civil, acumulados EM 1,08Dias por mês.Porção de doença Pode transitar de um ano paraA próxima para a duração do contrato de trabalho SEM limite.Membro do programa de saúdeNo mínimo, chemonics reembolsa até USD 3 mil por ano civilDESPESAS médicas (incluindo a adesão para planos e seguros de saúde) para o empregadoE OS membros Da SUA família imediata.O montante reembolsável de USD anuais3 será rateada no empregado, primeiro e último ano de emprego.NotaQue chemonics está actualmente a estudar planos de saúde para ghsc-psm empregadosE outros chemonics trabalhadores EM moçambique.Outros deixamOutra eventualidade deixar NOS termos definidos Na moçambicana, Direito do trabalho, DireitoIncluindo: Casamento, falecimento, e maternidade / paternidade.Seguro de VidaA participação no programa administrado pelo chemonics Seguro de VidaChemonics para Casa escritório EM Washington DC.Férias remuneradasChemonics segue a embaixada DOS EUA EM Maputo a holiday schedule, que reconheceA maioria DOS feriados nacionais e feriados federais moçambicana.Telefone móvel abonoO consultor de logística (Inhambane) recebe mzn 1.500 por mês EM celularO crédito.A formação e a linguagem deChemonics fornece até USD 1.200 por ano para o ensino de idiomas e atéUSD 500 externas de Cursos de formação.Mérito AumentaTodos OS funcionários são elegíveis para aumentos salariais anuais destinadas a reconhecer eRecompensa, realização e contribuições Ao Projeto.A política é a recompensa chemonicsBOM desempenho, Dando mérito anual Aumenta a empregados merecedoresA conclusão do processo anual de avaliação de desempenho.Se você está disposto a aceitar esta oferta, por favor, assine e date below.Estamos ansiosos para trabalharCOM você para ajudar as pessoas a viver Mais saudável e UMA Vida produtiva.Se você TEM qualquer pergunta, sentirLivre para chamar - NOS EM + 258 84 390 9116.Atenciosamente,____________________________Lee gerston Alexandre cumbanaDiretor de operações logística Advisor (Inhambane)
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