Parental Expectations: What My Parents Wanted Me To Be When I Grew UpI Tradução - Parental Expectations: What My Parents Wanted Me To Be When I Grew UpI Português como dizer

Parental Expectations: What My Pare

Parental Expectations: What My Parents Wanted Me To Be When I Grew Up
It may sound like a silly question -- after all, you're the one working every day, not them -- but as it turns out, your parents' expectations of where you would end up could have had more of an impact on your eventual career path than you believed.

As much as parents really just want their kids to be happy, they also can't help but be human and put a few expectations on them as well.

We asked different ptofessionals from Canada for their own recollections of their parents' expectations, and were happily surprised to discover they covered the gamut from "be a doctor" to "piano playng will always pay the bills. "What did your parents want you to be?

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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
Parental Expectations: What My Parents Wanted Me To Be When I Grew UpIt may sound like a silly question -- after all, you're the one working every day, not them -- but as it turns out, your parents' expectations of where you would end up could have had more of an impact on your eventual career path than you believed.As much as parents really just want their kids to be happy, they also can't help but be human and put a few expectations on them as well. We asked different ptofessionals from Canada for their own recollections of their parents' expectations, and were happily surprised to discover they covered the gamut from "be a doctor" to "piano playng will always pay the bills. "What did your parents want you to be?
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Resultados (Português) 3:[Cópia de]
As expectativas parentais: o que MEUS pais queriam ser quando crescesse
Pode parecer UMA pergunta Boba... Depois de tudo, você é aquele que trabalha todos OS DIAS, não. MAS afinal, TEUs pais expectativas de ONDE você IA acabar Pode ter Mais de um Impacto sobre SUA eventual carreira Caminho do que acreditava.

o Quanto OS pais só Querem OS filhos felizes,As expectativas parentais: o que MEUS pais queriam ser quando crescesse
Pode parecer UMA pergunta Boba... Depois de tudo, você é aquele que trabalha todos OS DIAS, não. MAS afinal, TEUs pais expectativas de ONDE você IA acabar Pode ter Mais de um Impacto sobre SUA eventual carreira Caminho do que acreditava.

o Quanto OS pais só Querem OS filhos felizes,Eles também não podem deixar de ser Humano e coloque algumas expectativas sobre eles.

pedimos diferentes ptofessionals do canadá para SUAS próprias lembranças de seus pais expectativas e foram agradavelmente surpreendida Ao descobrir que cobriram a Gama de "ser médico" Para "Piano de brincar sempre Pagar as Contas".O que seus pais Querem ser?

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